The Student Ambassador Program at UAMS provides undergraduate medical students an opportunity to learn about the lives of Arkansans in medically underserved areas throughout our state through this extracurricular activity.
In 2022-2023, Student Ambassadors will focus on their personal interests, new initiatives, and/or new projects related to medically underserved rural and urban communities in Arkansas. No matter their COM major, the Student Ambassador will work with our team to develop and implement an activity based on the primary care needs of the medically underserved.
One example of a personal interest is weekly social media posting on select, approved UAMS/primary care social media sites. Connecting with physicians, students, and decision-makers throughout the state, Student Ambassadors have the unique opportunity to network between and among undergraduate medical groups, including the Family Medicine Interest Group-FMIG, the Rural Medical Student Leadership Association-RMSLA, and members of the Honors in Underserved Primary Care- HUPC.
For each school year, Student Ambassadors are selected at the beginning of Fall semester. The Student Ambassador may/may not be reappointed for the Spring semester. A stipend of $500 is paid per semester. Standing monthly meetings are required.
For more information, contact Heidi Damron, HUPC Education Coordinator,, or complete the application below.