Regional Campuses M1 Summer Programs help bridge the gap between the classroom and practical experience for students who have completed the first year of medical school. These programs offer more relaxed environments away from formal coursework where students can focus on different aspects of their medical education and as well as their future career paths as physicians. This handbook provides important details about MASH Camp Assistantship (MCA) Experiences.
Student Responsibilities
- Important Dates to Remember:
- January 27 – March 7, 2025: Applications accepted via online application. Friday, March 14, 2025: Students receive confirmation of acceptance.
- June 2, 2025, through July 25, 2025: Student participation timeframe
- Be on time.
- Be prepared.
- Be professional in appearance and attitude.
- Take advantage of every opportunity to learn.
- Cancellation:
- If student is placed in a M1 Summer Program and is unable to participate, student must immediately contact: Family Medicine Preceptor, Service Learning Project Director or MASH Camp Director.
- Student must also immediately contact Heidi Damron, the M1 summer programs coordinator as there might be a waiting list with students who are wanting a summer program placement.
- M1 Students must be in good academic standing with the College of Medicine.
- Applications will be accepted online January 27, 2025, through March 7, 2025.
- Applicants will list their preferred preceptors/project topics/camp locations in order of preference on the application, as well as preferred dates of participation.
- Housing requests must be noted on the application. (Additional housing information below.)
- Applications received after March 7, 2025 deadline will be considered only if slots are available.
- Students will be notified of acceptance via email on Friday, March 14, 2025.
- There are a limited number of stipend-supported slots for each of the three summer programs. Students are encouraged to submit their application early to help ensure desired placement.
- The Regional Campus Central Office reserves the right to make final decisions regarding selection of applicants, selection of appropriate physicians and sites for the Family Medicine Preceptorship, coordination of Service Learning Projects, and MASH Camp Assistantship placements.
- Description: Mentor high school students as they learn about health careers at day camp.
- Primary Goal: Assist MASH Camp director to teach, lead, and influence students.
- Length of Program: Two weeks
- Stipend: $500
- To offset the cost of transportation, housing, and/or meals in the community for which you have selected.
- The stipend is considered income and student should report as income to the IRS. This income can be offset by school expenses or educational costs, such as tuition, books, supplies, travel, meals and lodging while off campus. If income exceeds educational costs, then the exceeded amount will be taxable.
Stipend Delivery
- MASH Camp Assistantship: Students will receive a stipend check from their MASH Camp Director on the last day of their assigned camp.
- Stipend checks may be picked up in-person in the Family Medicine Clinic administrative office. Upon request, stipend checks may be mailed. Students are responsible for providing a complete, accurate, and current mailing address.
Housing Information
It is the student’s responsibility to make housing arrangements. Some family medicine preceptors, communities, and the Regional Campuses may be willing to provide housing while a student is working with their physicians.
Housing is not usually provided for MASH Camp Assistants. However, arrangements can be made in certain circumstances.
All housing requests must be noted on the application form prior to submission.
It is the student’s responsibility to provide their meals.
MASH Camps are a statewide program created to help high school students from rural, underserved areas learn more about health careers available in the fields of medicine, nursing, pharmacy, dentistry, medical and radiologic technology, respiratory therapy, pharmacy, and dietetics. Through lectures, labs, clinical interactions, field trips and shadowing, MASH students learn the importance of healthy lifestyle habits and the connection between basic science concepts, medical diagnoses and treatment.
MASH Camps are typically two-weeks in June or July. MCAs, who are UAMS COMs, who have completed their M1 year, might be asked to teach basic medical terminology, CPR training, demonstrate dissection and/or lead question-answer sessions on the following topics: “How I became Interested in Medicine” or “Study Tips for the MCAT”. MASH Camps are lively, interactive and fun.
Upon completion of MCA, the student will be able to:
- Discuss the importance of educating high school students about health careers
- List challenges MASH students have accessing health care in their community
- List challenges MASH students have accessing opportunities for higher education
- Explain the role/value of mentor (MASH Director) and student (MASH Camp student)
- Plan a medical focused learning activity for specific need/student/goal
- Submit MCA Application by March 7, 2025 deadline. Include preferred MASH Camps locations and dates. A list of camp locations can be found on the MCA webpage.
- Notification by email of MCA acceptance/placement. The Regional Campus Education office will approve MASH Camp selection and notify student via email of match with requested site and date. Every effort will be made to match students with their first choices, but this cannot be guaranteed.
- Once MASH Camp location is determined, student will contact MASH Camp Director and confirm schedule. NOTE: Housing is usually NOT provided for MCA students; however, arrangements can be made in certain circumstances. Please note on application if housing will be needed, but there are no guarantees housing will be available.
- Wear student lab coat and UAMS name tag unless told otherwise by MCA Camp Director.
- Each camp week will be Monday through Friday, usually reporting between 8:00 – 9:00 AM and finishing between 5:00 – 6:00 PM. The student and MASH Camp Director will confirm the schedule.
- A camp week equals five (5) business days – Monday through Friday. If the two-weeks (10 business days) with MASH Camp includes a holiday(s), those days must be made up. It is the student’s responsibility to reschedule those days with MASH Camp Director.
- The Regional Center Director or designee, or a representative of the Regional Campus Education Office may make on-site visits while you are participating in a MASH Camp in their region.
- Hospital/Clinic Screenings/Certifications/Approvals: Some hospitals or clinics require anyone who spends time in their facility to be screened and approved for clinical or educational activities. These screenings may include CPR certification, annual TB skin tests, immunization records, criminal background checks and/or drug screens. It is the responsibility of the student to provide these documents directly to the hospital or clinic and at the student’s expense. If required, contact UAMS Student Health Services at 501-686-6381 or http://familymedicine.uams.edu/university-healthcare-services/student-and-employee-health for your health records.
- Students will receive MCA stipend check for total amount of $500, after the required two weeks are completed AND upon satisfactory evaluation from MASH Camp Director. Students will pick up stipend check from the MASH Camp Director on the last day of assigned camp.