Honors in Underserved Primary Care (HUPC)
What is Primary Care Medicine?
Family Medicine, Geriatrics, General Internal Medicine, General Pediatrics, Combined Internal Medicine/Pediatrics, General Obstetrics and Gynecology
What is HUPC?
HUPC at UAMS is a four-year guided track that provides medical students with camaraderie, faculty and staff support, UAMS resources and educational opportunities to encourage students to pursue community based primary care as a medical career. Students will gain early clinical experiences with area Family Medicine physicians. Each student will choose, investigate and develop a longitudinal project; explore and evaluate resources then write a literature review to support that project; and participate in other activities. The HUPC curriculum and required program activities have been specifically designed to enhance each students’ understanding and practice of Primary Care medicine in rural and urban underserved communities.
Benefits of HUPC
- 4-year extracurricular, guided program
- Stipend supported*
- Increased marketability
- Small, selective cohorts (Max 15 per cohort)
- M1 hands on experience in Primary Care clinical settings
- Meet UAMS Regional Campuses faculty and rural health care leaders
- Connect with Primary Care Doctors
*HUPC students will not receive stipends for required HUPC assignments/activities: Continuity Clinic, Family Medicine Preceptorship, JR Clerkship, Select Extracurricular Activities.
HUPC students are eligible to receive stipends for any assignments/activities/classes that are NOT required by HUPC: Student Ambassadors, Service Learning Project, MASH Camp Assistant, Select Extracurricular Activities, etc.
Requirements for Application/Acceptance
Entrance into HUPC requires a high level of student commitment and engagement, as well as faculty confidence in students’ likely success in maintaining the workload and completing all requirements over 4 years. The HUPC mentors, faculty, physicians and staff are available to nurture student interest in a career in primary care and will serve as personal and professional resources.
- M1 Med Students in good academic standing
- Passion for Primary Care Medicine
- Passion working with Underserved populations
- Completed HUPC Application
- Virtual Interview with HUPC Team
- HUPC Application Deadline: March 15, 2024
Applications are accepted during the M1 year from August through mid-March. A maximum number of 15 students are accepted into HUPC each year.
After the application is received, students are notified via email within two weeks to schedule a virtual interview with a HUPC Team. This brief virtual interview, paired with their application, will determine acceptance into the HUPC program.
NEW HUPC Student Acceptance Process
Approximately two weeks following the virtual interview, NEW HUPC students will receive email notification of acceptance or non-acceptance. If accepted, the email will include the following: confirmation of HUPC acceptance; documents to complete to receive stipend; a brief list of M1 requirements with links to HUPC resources; a 30-day virtual check-in meeting link with HUPC Team members; and contact information for HUPC Education Coordinator.
In addition, approximately one month after HUPC applications close in mid-March, the HUPC Education Coordinator will set up a virtual meet/greet with the entire new HUPC Cohort class. The purpose: to get acquainted, answer questions and share the HUPC Program Requirements Checklist that students use to document/track HUPC requirements.
HUPC Stipend Information
First Year Students
Following acceptance into HUPC program, students receive a stipend payment for their first year.
- Standard Four-Year Track: 4YR = $2500
- Accelerated Three-Year Track: 3YR-A = $3400
Current HUPC Students:
Beginning the summer of 2024 and continuing each summer, all current HUPC students (Rising M2s-M3s-M4s) will participate in a virtual interview OR complete a checklist of required program activities. The HUPC Team will determine whether students will participate in an interview or complete the checklist.
Interview: HUPC students will interview with HUPC Team members to assess their progress in the HUPC program and continued commitment to primary care/family medicine.
Checklist: Students will complete the list of required program activities and submit to HUPC Education Coordinator.
The results of the interview/review of the checklist will determine the continuation of students’ stipend award for that next year.
The goal is to award annual stipends by the Fall of each new school year.
- Standard Four-Year Track: 4YR = $2500 (Years 2 thru 4)
- Accelerated Three-Year Track: 3YR-A = $3300 (Years: 2-A & 3-A)
TOTAL Potential Awards:
- Standard Four-Year Track: 4YR = $10,000 ($2500 x 4)
- Accelerated Three-Year Track: 3YR-A = $10,000 ($3400 x 1; $3300 x2))
Two Program Tracks
HUPC offers Two Program Tracks: a Standard Four-Year Track (4YR) and an Accelerated Three-Year Track (3YR-A)
Standard Four-Year Track (4YR)
The Standard Four-Year Track (4YR) is available at the UAMS Little Rock and Northwest Arkansas campuses. Estimated hours for M3 JR Clerkship in Family Medicine and M4 SR Elective are not included in HUPC total hours. These are required courses in HUPC and COM standard academic curriculum for M3 and M4.
Accelerated Three-Year Track (3YR-A)
The Accelerated Three-Year Track (3YR-A) is ONLY available at the UAMS Northwest Arkansas campus. Estimated hours for M2-A JR Clerkship are not included in HUPC total hours. This is a required course in HUPC and NWA COM accelerated academic curriculum for M2-A students.
The NWA COM 3YR-A curriculum meets HUPC program requirements for these activities listed below; they are not required for NWA COM Accelerated 3YR-A HUPC students: M1 Continuity Clinic, M1 Family Medicine Summer Preceptorship and SR Elective: Rural Primary Care FMED-8404V.
Program Activities Information
The Program Checklist lists HUPC Program requirements and deadlines. HUPC Program activities are required for ALL HUPC students (Standard 4YR and Accelerated 3YR-A) except where noted.
The Required Program Activities section provides an in-depth description of all HUPC requirements including deadlines, resources, links, and more.
The Optional Program Activities section is an in-depth description of NEW, optional opportunities for HUPC students including resources, links and more.
Required Program Activities
Longitudinal Project
The Longitudinal Project (LP) is a core learning activity of HUPC. The LP serves as a foundation on which individual learning, group discussion and undergraduate medical academic experience can be based. HUPC students choose a topic of personal interest that pertains to underserved rural or urban primary care. Students submit the LP topic in question form to the HUPC Education Coordinator for consideration and approval by the HUPC Program Director.
LP Topic Submission Deadline: 4YRs: Due Dec M2 Year; 3YR-A: Due end of M1-A Summer
After topic approval, students will begin Literature Review (details below) of LP topic to contextualize and guide their individual research. Students submit their Literature Review for review/approval and work continues on their Longitudinal Project.
HUPC students must select one of these approved deliverables for their senior Longitudinal Project presentation: publication in an approved medical-scientific journal OR abstract/poster presentation at UAMS Student Research Day SRD or approved Primary Care Conference. See Student Research Day SRD section for more details.
Literature Review
The Literature Review serves as the foundation for the HUPC Longitudinal Project. Following submission of LP topic for approval, students begin work on the Literature Review. HUPC students choose a minimum of 20 sources to provide the background, context, and foundation from which the student’s LP topic/question is developed, researched, and presented. Submit completed Literature Review to the HUPC Education Coordinator for review and approval by the HUPC Program Director.
Literature Review Submission Deadline: 4YRs: Due May M2 Year; 3YR-A: Due January M2-A
See the HUPC Student Registration for Medical Publications section under Optional Program Activities for additional resources for the Literature Review.
Longitudinal Project to Senior Presentation – Timeline with Deadlines, Resources, and Examples
Family Medicine Physician Mentors
HUPC students will choose a Family Medicine physician mentor by the end of M1 Spring. This FM physician mentor is different than the mentor assigned by UAMS. These mentors can, but do not have to be, employed with the UAMS system. For example, a FM mentor can be a FM physician from your hometown, a UAMS professor, a family friend or a FM physician the student met while precepting.
The mentor’s role is to provide personal feedback, professional guidance and to nurture students’ interest in serving as a primary care physician in underserved areas in our state. Beginning the Fall of M2 year, students will have contact with their mentor once a semester via email, text, phone call, or an in person visit. Students will document this activity on their HUPC Program Checklist. Students can contact HUPC Education Coordinator or any of the HUPC Team physicians for help in finding a mentor.
FM Physician Mentor Selection Deadline: All M1s: Due end of M1/M1-A Summer
Continuity Clinic CC
Continuity Clinic CC is a half day/4 hours/per week/5 weeks (20 hours TOTAL) during the Standard Four-Year Track (4YR)LR/NWA students’ M1 Spring semester. (CC scheduling begins: January/CC completed: end of April) These half days/hours DO NOT have to be scheduled in consecutive weeks.
Continuity Clinic is an early, unique, hands-on experience within an actual practice of a local family medicine physician. HUPC students will shadow approved Family Medicine doctors: LR students in the Greater Little Rock Metro Area and NWA student in the Fayetteville area.
The student chooses their Continuity Clinic preceptor from a list of pre-approved select physicians. This list is provided via an excel link by the HUPC Education Coordinator. Together, the student and physician determine their schedule; the student submits schedule to the HUPC Education Coordinator.
NWA Accelerated Three-Year Track (3YR-A) students do not participate in Family Medicine Preceptorship.
Family Medicine Preceptorship FMP
Family Medicine Preceptorship (FMP) is a two week in-clinic experience during the Standard Four-Year Track (4YR) LR/NWA students’ M1 Summer. The online application process begins in M1 late January. The goal of Family Medicine Preceptorship is to give undergraduate medical students early hands-on personal experience and exposure to underserved rural and/or urban healthcare systems. The student is encouraged to choose a clinic in any region throughout the state where they can shadow a physician and gain valuable experience observing the physician-patient relationship. This commitment is two consecutive weeks, 40 hour per week. After submitting their online application, students work with the M1 Summer Programs Coordinator to select a physician and determine their schedule. Most students plan their FMP two weeks preceptorships in June and July; however, this is dependent on FM physician availability and student schedules
HUPC students DO NOT receive FMP stipend as this is a HUPC requirement. Contact the HUPC Education Coordinator at any time with questions.
NWA Accelerated Three-Year Track (3YR-A) students do not participate in Family Medicine Preceptorship.
Core Texts and Core Texts Discussion Groups
The HUPC Program Director and affiliated faculty view the fundamental texts listed below as necessary for medical students who aspire to live and work in historically underserved areas. Both books are provided for FREE to each HUPC student upon acceptance to the program.
By the end of M1/M1-A summer, students will have completed both texts. Then, during their M2/M2-A year, HUPC students will attend two of three Core Texts discussion sessions led by a HUPC Team member. M2/M2-A students will be notified of the Core Texts Discussion Groups virtual meeting schedule via email. Reach out to HUPC Education Coordinator with any questions.
Anne Fadiman, The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down: A Hmong Child, Her American Doctors, and the Collision of Two Cultures (New York, NY: Farrar, Straus and Giroux), 2012.
Tracy Kidder, Mountains Beyond Mountains: The Quest of Dr. Paul Farmer, a Man Who Would Cure the World (New York, NY: Random House, Inc.), 2009.
Student Mentors
NEW for 2024-25: HUPC students will be mentored or serve as mentors to one another to benefit from shared experiences. Hopefully these mentor/mentee pairings will continue through the duration of medical school. Mentor assignments will be made by the HUPC team based on a variety of factors: similar backgrounds, common career goals, etc. Mentors will receive training and support from the HUPC Team. Accommodations can be made by meeting with the HUPC Education Coordinator. Adjustments made for Accelerated 3YR-A HUPC students.
- M1 HUPC students assigned M3 HUPC student mentors.
- M2 HUPC students assigned M4 HUPC student mentors
- M3 HUPC students will mentor M1 HUPC students
- M4 HUPC students will mentor M2 HUPC students
HUPC Lunches
NEW for 2024-25: HUPC Lunch meetings are required for All HUPC students, doctors and staff. Lunch will be provided two times each semester: LR/NWA campuses will both meet in-person. LR will teams/zoom live feeds to NWA campus. Specific details will be posted/emailed prior to lunch dates. These causal meals with HUPC doctors and staff are the number one request from HUPC students. Information will be presented on various topics to educate and inform students, such as: Longitudinal Projects and literature Reviews; Mentoring, Student Research Day, abstracts/poster information and more. On occasion, these in-person lunches may switch to virtual meetings. Appropriate notices will be sent.
Student Interest Groups
NEW for 2024-25: HUPC students are required to join/maintain membership in one of these UAMS Student Interest Groups.
- Family Medicine Interest Group (FMIG)
- Rural Medicine Student Leadership Association (RMSLA)
- Pediatric Interest Group (PIG)
- Medicine/Pediatric (Med/Peds)
- Internal Medicine (IM)
Family Medicine Grand Rounds
NEW for 2024-25: Beginning M2/M2-A Fall year, HUPC students will be required to attend one virtual Family Grand Rounds per semester. This is separate from counting FM Grand Rounds as an Extracurricular Activity ECA.
Each August, an invitation is sent via email from UAMS Family and Preventive Medicine kicking off Family Medicine Grand Rounds for the year. The HUPC Education Coordinator will forward this invitation to all current and new HUPC students. Students will follow the set-up instructions and join the Wednesday virtual FM Grand Rounds as they choose.
To document attendance: students will note date/name of Grand Rounds on their HUPC checklist. Optional: save FM Grand Rounds Certificate of Attendance for documentation
Extracurricular Activities ECA
Beginning M2/M2-A Fall year and continuing through M4 year, HUPC students will participate in Extracurricular Activities for 3 hours per semester. No matter the activity, HUPC students are encouraged to explore their professional interests and passion for primary care.
HUPC students have many options for their ECA. Below are examples, not an exhaustive list:
- Approved Student Interest Group Activities: Serve as a committee chair, club officer, class rep or regular attendance for student interest groups such as Family Medicine Interest Group (FMIG), Rural Medical Student Leadership Association (RMSLA), Pediatric Interest Group (PIG), Internal Medicine (IM) or Medical/Pediatric (Med/Peds).
- Become a Student Ambassador
- Attend Family Medicine Grand Rounds: this is separate from the NEW requirement of attending FM Grand Rounds 1x per month”
- Volunteer at a community clinic or not-for-profit
Arkansas Health Education Careers (AHEC) Scholars
HUPC students are required to join AHEC Scholars their M3/M2-A year. Instructions will be sent that June prior by the AHEC Scholars Education Coordinator. AHEC Scholars is a two-year program of study that builds on prior education and experiences to include clinical and practical applications for students who are interested in serving rural and underserved populations.
HUPC students DO NOT receive AHEC Scholars Stipend as this is an HUPC requirement.
Contact the HUPC Education Coordinator at any time with questions.
Junior Clerkship
HUPC students, in their M3/M2-A year, will rotate through a regionally based, family medicine focused, location found across the state in a Junior Clerkship Rotation. Students are encouraged to choose a 4-week rotation from a unique place around the state to broaden their medical knowledge and experiences. When possible HUPC students get preference placement over other College of Medicine students.
Contact the JR Clerkship Coordinator or HUPC Education Coordinator with questions.
Senior Elective
HUPC M4 4YR students will be required to take Senior Elective course: Rural Primary Care FMED-8404V.
NWA Accelerated Three-Year Track (3YR-A) students do not take Senior Elective course: Rural Primary Care FMED-8404V.
UAMS Student Research Day (SRD)
UAMS Student Research Day is the annual campus-wide venue held for graduate and professional students, postdocs, and medical staff/fellows to present their research.
HUPC students must select one of these two approved deliverables for their senior Longitudinal Project presentation: publication in an approved medical-scientific journal OR abstract/poster presentation at UAMS Student Research Day SRD or approved Primary Care Conference.
- 2025 UAMS Student Research Day SRD: February 18, 2025
If a HUPC student chooses publication, articles/publications must be submitted to HUPC Education Coordinator and HUPC Medical Director for approval PRIOR to Student Research Day SRD application deadline.
- 2025 Articles/Publication Submission Deadline: September 2024
If a HUPC student chooses the abstract/poster presentation, they will participate in M4/M3-A Spring UAMS Student Research Day SRD. Once the student has chosen to present the abstract/poster, the HUPC Team works with the student to prepare for the abstract/poster submission/presentation.
- 2025 UAMS SRD Abstract Submission Deadline: December 19, 2024
- 2025 UAMS SRD Poster Submission Deadline: January 10, 2025
If a HUPC student chooses to submit abstract/poster for presentation to an approved primary care conference, and are requesting funding to attend that conference, students must submit their abstract, name of conference, and all tentative costs to attend/present at conference for approval by the HUPC team prior to submission to conference. Costs are funded through our Federal HRSA grant and are approved on a first come/first served basis. The HUPC Team works with the student to prepare for the abstract/poster submission/presentation
For more information, see this section below: HUPC Student Conference Support/presentation.
Optional Program Activities
HUPC Student Conference Support
HUPC students are encouraged to submit posters/publications to approved local, regional or national conferences.** If HUPC students are accepted to present, HRSA grant monies are available to fund select fees/costs on a first come-first serve basis. Following acceptance of presentation, the HUPC student will submit the name/date of the conference, name of presentation, pdf or PPT of presentation, breakout of expenses and other pertinent information to the HUPC Education Coordinator. The HUPC Team will determine if the student receives grant funds and the amount of grant funds.
**Contact HUPC Education Coordinator for list of approved conferences.
HUPC Student Registration for Medical Publications
HUPC students are encouraged to register for FREE student memberships in the following professional journals. Access to these publications will aid in creating and researching Literature Review for Longitudinal Project.
- American Academy of Family Physicians AAFP
- Society of Teachers of Family Medicine STFM
- National Rural Health Association NRHA
- American College of Physicians ACP
- American Academy of Pediatrics AAP
- The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists ACOG
HUPC Research Opportunities
While committing to or pursuing research is not an HUPC requirement, the HUPC Team understands scientific research is important to HUPC students.
The required HUPC Longitudinal Project LP is an excellent starting point for potential research opportunities.
HUPC students may consider expanding their LP topic into the M1 Summer Programs-Service Learning Project: a stipend supported experience responding to real-life community problems. Research and implement a project to improve the health and welfare of Arkansans. See the Service Learning Projects website for more information or contact the M1 Summer Program Coordinator.
HUPC students may consider using an undeveloped topic/project from a previous course of study (MPH, MS or BS program) for their Longitudinal Project. With further development/approval, this project/LP would be suitable for Student Research Day SRD presentation, publication or conference display.
HUPC students may have opportunities to join ongoing research at UAMS that is related to their Longitudinal Project or other interests. Involvement with an approved research study would be suitable for Student Research Day SRD presentation, publication or conference display. HUPC students can reach out directly to UAMS Department of Family and Preventive Medicine physician/staff or other UAMS physicians already pursuing research the student is interested in. Contact HUPC Program Director or HUPC Education Coordinator for more information.
HUPC students can consider the Honors in Research track which occurs the summer between the M1/M1-A and M2/M2-A years (Dr Robert Mcgehee, Honors in Research, Director). Per Dr. James Graham: Students may participate in only a single honors track, but if a student is doing well academically, they may apply to Dr. James Graham or Dr. Rebecca Latch for an exception and permission to do two tracks. HUPC students will also need the approval of Dr. Leslie Stone, HUPC Program Director to participate.
See the Longitudinal Projects section for more information.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I manage and communicate my progress in HUPC?
A Master HUPC spreadsheet exists on Google Docs and is maintained by HUPC Education Coordinator. It contains ALL current HUPC Cohort information: student names, program details and requirements.
In addition, a HUPC Checklist has been created listing all HUPC requirements for each COM year. The items on the checklist reflect requirements in the HUPC handbook. Students are encouraged to use this checklist to monitor/update their HUPC progress.
It is each students’ responsibility to update their progress on their HUPC Checklist keep it current. This HUPC Checklist may be used to award the annual HUPC stipends to current students. Students are encouraged to contact the HUPC Education Coordinator with any concerns.
As a HUPC student, what if I run into issues with meeting certain deadlines? For example, if I’m hospitalized or have several COM tests due the same time?
One of the strengths of HUPC is flexibility and student personal responsibility. Communication is key. The HUPC Program Director is supportive of all students as they manage their COM courses, HUPC schedule and other activities. Please reach out to the HUPC Education Coordinator or the HUPC Program Director when any potential conflicts arise. We are happy to adjust and work together to solve any issues.
How do I receive information about HUPC events or other activities?
Currently, our primary communication with HUPC Students is UAMS student email. In addition, there are HUPC Cohort specific text groups, HUPC Instagram and HUPC ListServ. HUPC students also receive information from shared social media: FMIG, RMSLA for example.
If HUPC students have questions or concerns, they are encouraged to reach out to HUPC Education Coordinator or HUPC Program Director at anytime via UAMS emails or directly via our mobile phones.
Does HUPC help prepare me for a career in Family Medicine?
HUPC can help prepare you for a career in any primary care field. This includes Family Medicine, Geriatrics, General Internal Medicine, General Pediatrics, Combined Internal Medicine/Pediatrics, or General OB/GYN. HUPC students have opportunities to work with/shadow a variety of providers across the state in rural and urban settings in various fields of primary care; meet with residents/physicians from all FM/PC programs at networking events; have one on one interactions with HUPC team physicians and more.
If I commit to and complete HUPC, do I have to commit to a particular type of residency or practice after graduation?
No, HUPC has no requirements beyond COM graduation. While we encourage all HUPC students to pursue a career path in Primary Care Medicine in underserved communities, preferably in Arkansas, we understand this will not always be the case. However, we strongly feel the unique HUPC didactic and clinical experiences students receive will have a positive, long-lasting influence as they pursue their medical career, no matter the focus.
Are there circumstances where I would need to return the stipend?
Once a student has been awarded a HUPC stipend, there are usually no circumstances where the student would be asked to return that stipend.
What happens if I’m struggling or I fail a class?
If a HUPC student finds themselves facing challenges in UA Medical School, outside or in the classroom or debating their commitment to HUPC, our team is here to help! The HUPC Team is especially concerned with HUPC M1 students and the adjustment to the workload and challenges of medical school. Please reach out to a fellow medical student, a trusted professor, the HUPC Program Director, the HUPC Education Coordinator, or other HUPC students. Please click here for a list of contacts to offer support, to answer questions and to help overcome any challenges.
Remember: You are NOT alone.
If a HUPC student receives notice of a failed a class, the student must immediately contact Dr Leslie Stone, HUPC Program Director and Heidi Damron HUPC Education Coordinator. A virtual meeting will be scheduled for support, encouragement and to make appropriate plans for remedy.
What if I withdraw from HUPC or Medical School?
If a student decides to withdraw from HUPC program and/or UAMS, the student must contact the HUPC Program Director and the HUPC Education Coordinator. After careful consideration and counsel from HUPC Program Director and others, the student must send written confirmation of their withdrawal from HUPC to Dr. Leslie Stone, HUPC Program Director.
Do I receive a grade for HUPC?
No. HUPC is an extracurricular honors program. Its coursework is routinely documented by students and staff and evaluated as pass/fail. HUPC does not count toward your grade point average or class rank. HUPC physicians, staff and students remain in close contact as events arise that might affect the student’s ability to complete coursework as noted in printed schedule. The HUPC Program Director, HUPC Education Coordinator and others are available to help make schedule adjustments.
What do I receive when I complete HUPC?
UAMS COM Senior graduating students that satisfactorily complete the HUPC program requirements receive UAMS recognition. At the annual spring UAMS COM Honors Convocation, HUPC Seniors receive gold and white honor cords. In addition, per Dr James Graham, Executive Associate Dean for Academic Affairs at UAMS: “…as [HUPC is part of UAMS Honors Track] … [and] they complete the requirements of that track, [they] are recognized at graduation and have the inscription “with Honors in ______________” on their diploma. Participation in an honors track is also noted on the MSPE or dean’s letter which is a part of the residency application process.”
UAMS Academic and Support Staff
Leslie Stone, MD, MPH
HUPC Program Director
Assistant Professor, Department of Family and Preventive Medicine
Director of Family Medicine Clerkship and Family Medicine Acting Internship
Jennifer Dukes Casey, MD
Assistant Professor, Department of Family and Preventive Medicine
Director, UAMS Neighborhood Clinic
Amber K. Norris, MD
Assistant Professor, Department of Family and Preventive Medicine
David Kelley, MD
Assistant Professor, Department of Family and Preventative Medicine
Co Course Director Principle of Medicine 2
Heidi Damron, MS
HUPC Education Coordinator