Important Note from Dr Stone Regarding Longitudinal Project Topics/Presentations:
I want to be clear to all HUPC participants, that while UAMS SRD seems focused on more scientific/medical based research vs public health/community-based research: ALL TYPES OF PRESENTATIONS ARE VALUABLE AND NEEDED. Scholarly inquiry in all its various forms—from clinical trials, to quality improvement projects, to simply consulting the literature in order to inform evidence-based practice—is essential to providing equitable care to underserved populations. It’s also important to note, that one does not necessarily need a completed project with data and analysis in order to present at a scholarly showcase such as student research day. Many of our faculty regularly present at national conferences on works in progress.
Dr. Leslie Stone
Director of HUPC and Medical Student Education Division of DFPM
How do I choose my LP Topic?
- HUPC students choose a topic of personal interest that pertains to underserved rural or urban primary care (This can be related to the state of Arkansas/the South/the US/the world). We want you to choose something you are passionate about!!
The LP Topic MUST be related to rural/urban underserved primary care.
- This LP topic can be related to an ongoing project from a previous experience (working in a clinic), expanding your Service-Learning Project (if you chose to participate in this optional M1 Summer Program opportunity), expanding a research paper from previous classes/presentations (BS, MS, or MPH).
- We DO NOT want to add to your workload. If you need help identifying your LP topic—reach out to Heidi or one of the HUPC doctors: Stone/Casey/Kelley.
- Can we use our FM mentor or other resources to help find a topic? Yes, please use your mentor, HUPC team, faculty and other resources to complete /gather your information on your LP topic.
How do I get my LP Topic approved?
- Students submit the LP topic in question form to the HUPC Education Coordinator for consideration and approval by the HUPC Program Director.
- LP Topic Submission Deadline: 4YRs: Due Dec M2 Year; 3YR-A: Due end of M1-A Summer
- LP Topic approval may take up one month. Before feedback/approval of LP Topic, we encourage students to start researching resources for their Lit Review.
My LP Topic is approved—now What?
- Before feedback/approval of LP Topic, we encourage students to start researching resources for their Lit Review.
- After topic approval, students will begin writing Literature Review of LP topic.
The Literature Review serves as the foundation for the HUPC Longitudinal Project. Your Lit Review informs your Longitudinal Project and Student Research Day (SRD) presentation.
Lit Reviews require a minimum of 20 sources to provide the background, context, and foundation from which the student’s LP topic/question is developed, researched, and presented at Student Research Day or conferences.
Where do I get sources for my Lit Review?
- Besides using the sources at UAMS COM library, HUPC students are encouraged to register for FREE student memberships in the following professional journals. Access to these publications will aid in creating and researching Literature Review for Longitudinal Project: American Academy of Family Physicians AAFP ; National Rural Health Association NRHA ; American College of Physicians ACP;American Academy of Pediatrics AAP ; The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists ACOG
- Lit Review Sources: HUPC encourages the use of APA style for citing sources and Bibliography. - Example of Lit Reviews:
I’ve completed my Lit Review, now what?
- Students submit their Literature Review to Heidi/Dr Stone for review/approval
- Literature Review Submission Deadline: 4YRs: Due May M2 Year; 3YR-A: Due January M2-A
- Following submission of Lit Review for review/approval, students continue working on their Longitudinal Project. This means (examples but not limited to): collecting data, gathering additional resources/expanding your knowledge base, interviewing appropriate sources, etc.
- Review/Approval of Lit Review takes approximately 2 to 4 months
My Lit Review is approved, Now what?
- After approval of Lit Review, students develop their LP, working towards publication (if this is what student is interested in pursuing), Student Research Day presentation (create/write abstract/develop/create poster)or Primary Care conference poster presentation.
- If interested in presenting at conferences, student can use this time to gather pertinent conference information.
M3 Spring/M4 Year
M3 Spring/ M4 Fall, senior students continue their preparation for their required LP presentation.
HUPC Seniors must select one of these approved deliverables for their Longitudinal Project: Publication in approved medical-scientific journal OR Abstract/Poster presentation at UAMS Spring Student Research Day (SRD) or approved Primary Care Conference. Most HUPC seniors present at UAMS Spring Student Research Day SRD.
- Publication in an approved medical-scientific journal
- Deadline to Alert HUPC Team: 2025 Articles/Publication Submission Deadline: October 1, 2024 (submit to HUPC Team for Review) OR
- Abstract/poster presentation at UAMS Student Research Day SRD 2025 UAMS Student Research Day SRD: February 18, 2025 or at approved Primary Care conference.Students take the information discovered/presented in Lit Review, draw conclusions, make recommendations and submit/present the information as abstract/poster at SRD or approved Primary Care conference.
- Abstract: This was a new requirement put in place by UAMS Spring 2024 as part of the Student Research Day SRD application process. To participate in SRD poster presentation, each student is required to submit an abstract.
- According to MagicSlides website, an abstract is: “…a concise summary of the key points of your research or project, and it plays a crucial role in a poster presentation.”
- The abstract is a one-page document that briefly and succinctly explains your findings from your Lit Review/Longitudinal Project/LP Topic and other info to the audience/reviewer. I’ve included two links below for your convenience.
- 2025 UAMS SRD Abstract Submission Deadline: December 19, 2024
- Poster Presentation: This is the actual, psychical representation of the Lit Review/Abstract/Longitudinal Project Topic: visualized. It may include graphs, charts, lists, outlines or whatever visual representation of thoughts, ideas, theories, problems, needs, outcomes, hypotheses the student has determined from readings, research, time invested into the longitudinal topic/project.
- HUPC Team will provide info/help on abstract and poster prep for SRD or conferences
- UAMS creative services helps with poster design/dimensions
- Creative Services needs at minimum one month to produce poster
- HUPC can help pay for poster costs
- 2025 UAMS SRD Poster Submission Deadline: January 10,
- Primary Care Conferences
- Conference payment/support is available for HUPC students who have an abstract/poster or publication accepted
- Must be approved Primary Care local, state, national conference
- First Come/First serve/No guarantee of any or all costs
- Student submits abstracts/poster/requests/costs involved to HUPC Ed Coordinator for approval