- Eligible research article types include original research, literature review, poems, narrative review, special commentary, letter to the editor, and meta-analysis
- Article authors are required to submit a set of keywords to improve searchability and information retrieval.
- Provide between 3 to 6 keywords.
- Keywords should represent the main subject matter of the submission.
- An abstract of no more than 250 words summarizing the objectives, methods, results, conclusions, and relevance of the study or review is required.
- There are no restrictions on word count or fonts. Although, we recommend using one inch margins and a fonts size of no more than 12 points.
- All manuscripts should be submitted online.
Figures and Graphics
- Graphics should be included in the submission, either in the text or appended to the end. If appended at the end, the desired placement for the graphic within the text should be specified (e.g., “insert Figure 1 here”).
- References to the graphics should be indicated in the text (e.g., “Figure 1”), along with the appropriate citation for the source.
- If the graphic is not original, permission to reprint must be included in the submission
- To ensure a high-quality image, graphics, either electronic or printed, must be camera-ready and have a high resolution of at least 600 dpi.
Artistic Works
- Digital Artwork: Should be submitted in .tiff format or .png.
- Photographs of Art: No more than one picture submitted in .tiff or .jpeg file format.
It is the responsibility of the author to ensure that all material drawn from other sources is credited, either as a footnote, an endnote, or a reference. All assertions, not those of the author, should be credited to or referenced by a source. References should be cited in the text as superscript numbers placed at the end of the sentence or paragraph. The corresponding superscript number should be listed in the reference section.
- NLM Reference Style or APA 7th Edition Reference Style are required.
- References may not be used in the abstract section.